A.T.L.A.S. Academic Teachers Leading Accelerated Students

Academic Gifted and Talented Program
A.T.L.A.S. is a program provided by Spartanburg Three to meet the needs of gift and talented students in grades 3-12. Students who meet the eligibility criteria in at least two out of the three dimensions are eligible for gifted and talented service in the District ATLAS program.
Screening Process
All students in grade two will be screened and tested. Nominations are not necessary for this grade level.
All students in grade two and nominated students in grades three through nine will be screened with both aptitude and achievement tests.
Some students will meet the eligibility criteria without further assessment; others, whose screening suggests that they are potential qualifiers, will require additional testing.
Students who are newly identified this school year will start services next fall. For example, students identified in grade 2 this year start services in grade 3.
Academic ATLAS Programs:
Grades 3 – 5: A pullout class for 2 – 3 hours per week
Grades 6- 8: Accelerated classes in language arts, math, science and social studies
Grades 9 - 11: Accelerated, honors classes at Broome High School
Grades 10 - 12: Advanced Placement classes are offered.
For more information on Academic ATLAS contact Molly O'Dell at modell@spartanburg3.org.
Spartanburg Three also offers Artistic ATLAS for both Art and Music. Students can be nominated every Spring. Contact Cindy Snead for more information at Csnead@spartanburg3.org.